Achieve Your Goals By Shifting Your Mindset (The Top 1% Have Already Figured This Out)

How to achieve your goals in five simple steps

Jon Peters
5 min readJun 7, 2023
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Do you remember Blockbuster Video?

I do.

I remember my Dad driving my brother and I to our local Blockbuster so we could pick out a film to rent. We’d get our overpriced snacks, drive home, and proceed to watch the crap out of it for the next two days.

Fast forward two decades, and here I am trying to make my nine-year-old comprehend a world before Netflix, before social media, before you could get almost anything you want, as soon as you want it.

God, I feel old.

Movies, music, video games, groceries, takeaways, sex — you can get it all at the touch of a button. And it’s great, for the most part. Technology has made our lives immeasurably easier.

But that convenience has come at a cost.

“All things come to those who wait” is an English proverb, advocating the virtues of practicing patience. The author clearly never heard the benefits of Amazon Prime.

Our brains have been conditioned to crave instant gratification in almost everything we do, and it’s only been exacerbated by technology like smartphones.



Jon Peters
Jon Peters

Written by Jon Peters

I write about writing, self-help, personal finance. Pretty much anything that tickles my pickle. Sometimes I even know what I'm talking about.

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